Forum Discussion

sujay's avatar
New Contributor
14 years ago

Missing SoapUI Project file.. in Testrunner.bat


I am trying to run TestSuite using command line in Windows XP. When i try to run a TestSuite
in SoapUi Pro using Launch Testrunner (Launched by right clicking on the TestSuite and selecting 'Launch Testrunner') it works fine i.e i get message 'Execution finished successfully'. But when i try to run the command generated by Launch Testrunner in the command prompt i get the following error

soapUI Pro 3.5.1 TestCase Runner
usage: testrunner [options] <soapui-project-file>
-o Opens the JUnit-Style and/or Coverage Report in a browser (with the
-j and/or -g options)
-F Report format. Used with -R. Valid options PDF, XLS, HTML, RTF,
CSV, TXT, and XML (comma-seperated)
-v Sets password for soapui-settings.xml file
-t Sets the soapui-settings.xml file to use
-A Turns on exporting of all results using folders instead of long
-D Sets system property with name=value
-G Sets global property with name=value
-I Do not stop if error occurs, ignore them
-P Sets or overrides project property with name=value
-R Report to Generate
-S Saves the project after running the tests
-a Turns on exporting of all results
-c Sets the testcase
-d Sets the domain
-e Sets the endpoint
-f Sets the output folder to export results to
-g Sets the output to include Coverage HTML reports
-h Sets the host
-i Enables Swing UI for scripts
-j Sets the output to include JUnit XML reports
-p Sets the password
-r Prints a small summary report
-s Sets the testsuite
-u Sets the username
-w Sets the WSS password type, either 'Text' or 'Digest'
-x Sets project password for decryption if project is encrypted
Missing soapUI project file..

What does it mean by 'Missing soapUI project file'?
Do i need to do any path settings in Launch Testrunner before running it to get the command.
Kindly help..

Thanks in advance.
  • svreddyt's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Ole,

    I am running soapUI project in multiple environments like dev,qa and prod, I am able to override the end point url towards the environment,but the question is how to override the JDBC connection name from the command line??

    Thanks in Advance
  • svreddyt's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    svreddyt wrote:
    Hi Ole,

    I am running soapUI project in multiple environments like dev,qa and prod, I am able to override the end point url towards the environment,but the question is how to override the JDBC connection name from the command line??

    Thanks in Advance
  • pogie's avatar
    New Contributor

    I was trying out soapui pro 4.5.1 ang getting this "Missing soapUI project file..". Is this a known defect for PRO trial version?

    Thanks heaps!
  • Hey guys!! this problem is still not fixed in linux operating system even for 4.5.2 version of SOAPUI. Can anyone please provide me with the solution.. how ever its is working properly on windows operating systems.

    Hoping for solution soon.
  • redfish4ktc2's avatar
    Super Contributor
    nagasahas can you send the command line argument and the error logs. I've never seen such an issue in soapui 4.5.2
  • this issue may be caused because your project filenames have spaces in them. My obversation. In the windows environment this works, in the linux environment it does not
  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    if you are still having this problem, try removing the -c option after sh:
    >sh ./ <... params ...>

    or even try running this without the sh:
    >./ <... params ...>

    This has been known to work. Thanks,
    Michael Giller
    SmartBear Software