I am very new to this and am having lots of issues with X Path Matches - can anyone help - please
I have just recently installed SOAP UI to try and up skill at home after been made redundant from my last role.
I have managed to get a few projects started and am getting to understand most (if not in great detail yet) teh assertions that can be used. However one that I am having some issues with is the X Path Match.
I have managed to get a very basic check to pass, however if I am understanding the concept correctly (and I may not be doing) I think it should identify content based on positions in the response.
What I cannot understand is how do I make the position unique.
If I am part understanding this correctly then I can see why it might be "tighter" than a "Contains Assertion" as it will look for specific instances as opposed to a blanket check... however I am struggling to see how it does this.
If anyone can help, or share a working example that would be very, very appreciated.
I have also included two screen clips of my attempts, one that woulds and one that fails.
I do not understand why the one that fails does indeed fail, and I do not think the one that works is performing a proper check, or not what I think it should be checking anyway.
Best Regards (and thanks in advance)