How to write virt script to take a particular operation based on request path
I have three operations in VIRT,i.e for match for match with Govt-ID
3. Search for match with Gender
for the 1st operation i.e "search for match", below is the request that has to be taken:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<ns1:msgHeader xmlns:ns1="">
<ns1:msgId xmlns:ns1="">0AC50CA3-DC61-4DFC-0151-CD147C9B4339</ns1:msgId>
<ns1:msgDateTime xmlns:ns1="">2015-12-29T03:40:30</ns1:msgDateTime>
<ns1:sendingSystemCd xmlns:ns1="">1016</ns1:sendingSystemCd>
<ns1:sendingSystemInfo xmlns:ns1="">
<ns1:versionExt xmlns:ns1="">
<p812:SearchPartyByNameAndAddressForMatchRequest xmlns:p829="" xmlns:p812="">
<p829:TXLifeRequest xmlns:p558="">
<p829:TransType tc="301">301</p829:TransType>
<p829:TransSubType tc="29105">29105</p829:TransSubType>
<p829:ActualObjectType tc="0002">0002</p829:ActualObjectType>
<p829:ActualObjectType tc="0018">0018</p829:ActualObjectType>
<p829:ActualObjectType tc="0003">0003</p829:ActualObjectType>
<p829:ActualObjectType tc="0115">0115</p829:ActualObjectType>
<p829:ActualObjectType tc="0055">0055</p829:ActualObjectType>
<p829:ActualObjectType tc="0243">0243</p829:ActualObjectType>
<p829:InquiryViewCode tc="0030">0030</p829:InquiryViewCode>
<p829:Party id="P_201512241">
<p558:SourceTypeCode tc="011">011</p558:SourceTypeCode>
--->for 2nd operation i.e "search for match with Govt-ID" , the virt has to take the same request but with govt id tag added to request body:
-->for 3rd operation i.e "search for match with Gender", Virt has to take the same request but with govt id and Gender tag added to request body:
for 1st operation i have used xpath dispatch style, but when i use xpath dispatch style for 2nd operation it is not taking the request of 2nd operation instead it is throwing default response of 1st operation when the request of 2nd operation is triggered.
could someone please help me on this and let me know what method can be done for the 3 operations?