Forum Discussion

Kumarprakash93's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

How to use failover cluster in SoapUI



I am pushing payload in ActiveMQ using REST API, But i want to push payload using failover cluster instead of single url.



For example: I am using this use  -"failover:tcp://,tcp://,tcp://,tcp://,tcp://"

At a time only one server will up and running rest will be on slave mode and on the basis of load/some how any other will be master and rest will be slave mode.


Please suggest me how to user above failover url in SoapUI.

Kindly provide solution asap because i am stuck on this.



Kumar Prakash

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    Are you sending plain jms message?

    Is it possible to show your hermes-config.xml? Have you tried by placing the mentioned url as value for serverUrl?
    • Kumarprakash93's avatar
      Occasional Contributor


      First of all Thanks for Response.


      Here, I am sending payload to ActiveMQ REST API


      please find the attached screen shot. i am trying to put multiple url instead of Single End Point.

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 2
        Can you please response to the requested information (from previous comment)?