Forum Discussion

beetlejuice's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

How to use a defined variable elsewhere in a Groovy script?

I am using Groovy scripting to create output files containing test execution results from SoapUI for a given test case. My test case contains several test steps, so I'm using the following logic to iterate through each test step and collect specific information (this is a snippet from the script):



for(stepResult in testRunner.getResults())
// Retrieve Test Suite name
def testSuite =;
// Retrieve Test Case name
def testCase =;
// Retrieve Test Step
def testStep = stepResult.getTestStep();
// Retrieve Test Step name
def testStepName =;
// Retrieve Test Step type
def type = testStep.config.type;
// Retrieve Test Step status
def status = stepResult.getStatus();

// Retrieve response time

def respTime = testRunner.testCase.testSteps["Request 1"].testRequest.response.timeTaken;



The question I have revolves around the line that I've highlighted in green (the last "def" statement). Since my script will process a number of test steps, I'd like to replace "Request 1" with a variable that reflects the test step name in order to get that particular test step's response time. So, I'm trying to use "$testStepName" (defined earlier in my snippet) in place of "Request 1", but I'm not getting anything as a result. Here's how I'm trying to apply it:


def respTime = testRunner.testCase.testSteps["$testStepName"].testRequest.response.timeTaken;


Am I referencing the variable correctly in my "respTime" definition? Or, is there a different approach I should take to get the response time for each of my steps?


Thank you!

  • aaronpliu's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Hi beetlejuice ,


    All of required information are in test results.

    assume that you run a test case which contains several steps, then you can retrieve what you require from result:

    try {
        def testResult = StringToObjectMap(), false)
        if (testResult) {
            // print test case status
            def testCaseStatus = testResult.getStatus().toString()
            testResult.results.eachWithIndex {stepResult, index ->
                if (stepResult.testStep.metaClass.respondsTo(stepResult.testStep, "getAssertionList")) {
                   // print response time
                } else {
                   // non-REST step
        } else {
           // no test result
    } catch (Exception e) {




    • beetlejuice's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thank you for the reply, aaronpliu. My Groovy code is iterating through my multiple test step results using...


       for(stepResults in testRunner.getResults())
      // Retrieve Test Suite name
      def testSuite =;
      // Retrieve Test Case name
      def testCase =;
      // Retrieve Test Step
      def testStep = stepResults.getTestStep();
      // Retrieve Test Step name
      def testStepName =
      // Retrieve Test Step type
      def type = testStep.config.type
      // Retrieve Test Step status
      def status = stepResults.getStatus()



      I had noted in a previous post ( that the following could be used to get response time:


      testRunner.testCase.testSteps["Request 1"].testRequest.response.timeTaken


      Since I've identified the test step name in my Groovy code as a variable called "testStepName", I'd like to create a new definition that replaces "Request 1" with the testStepName variable. Something like...


      def respTime = testRunner.testCase.testSteps["$testStepName"].testRequest.response.timeTaken


      The script, however, doesn't like how I'm trying to use the variable in that line. How should I invoke that variable within the brackets?