How to iterate through SOAP response and invoke further request on each node
(Reposted from Pro forum)
I need to construct a simple test harness using SOAPUI Open Source version which invokes a 'Search Jobs' SOAP request, iterates through the XML results set and, for each Job node, invokes a further 'Get Job' SOAP request to bring back the full details of that particular Job, which I then want to append to a file.
I have a SOAPUI Open Source test suite which does this as two successive test steps for a single result node, but I'm not clear how to make this work as an iteration.
This is the sort of Groovy script I had in mind:
def currentUser = context.expand( '${#TestCase#currentUser}' ) def projectName = def groovyUtils = new def projectPath = groovyUtils.projectPath def numFilesWritten = 0 // define xml response holder def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder( "Search jobs#Response" ) // define namespace holder.namespaces["jm"] = "http://url/of/web/service" // get the testCase def tc = testRunner.testCase def prop = "" // get testStep by its name def ts = tc.getTestStepByName('GetJob') // loop item nodes in response message for( job in holder.getNodeValues( "//jm:jobId" )){ "Job ID : [$job]" // then use this Job ID to pass to a further SOAP request to get the full job details // then append these to a file numFilesWritten++ } "Num Jobs = $numFilesWritten"
I gather I can do this using an XML Data Source test step but if I understand correctly that is only available in the Pro version.
Is there a way using the Open Source version to invoke an existing test step multiple times from this construct, or would I be better actually scripting the entire GetJob SOAP call in Groovy?
Any tips greatly appreciated.