How to extract & validate nodes from JSON which is part of XML response
I have response in XML format that contains metadata (which is in JSON).I need to extract the values from JSON and validate them.
Can someone please help me with script to extract the JSON nodes .
Below is the sample layout of my XML response.
I need to extract "Name1" from the response and use it for validation/assertions.
<ApiRootContext xmlns="Link1" xmlns:i="Link2">
<ApiHeader xmlns:a="Link3">
"Type": "Type1",
"ID": "Name1",
"Label": "Text1",
"Type": "Type2",
"ID": "Name2",
"Label": "Text2",
Script assertion would be
import def holder = new XmlHolder(context.Response) def Metadata = holder["//*:Metadata"] Metadata import groovy.json.JsonSlurper def slurper = new JsonSlurper() def json = slurper.parseText Metadata[0])
However your sample XML response seems to include invalid JSON so I changed the last line to
- No worries.
Use below script:
use "" instead of "println" in the above script.