Forum Discussion

kailashlatad's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

How to build common mock for error responses for different test suite/test cases?



In my current project there are common  respones for 400,500 error with respective to the servcices. I want to build a mock/stub where I should get 400 or 500 respone with repsect to the request.


Please suggest wehter it is possible to build dynmic mock which can be driven on request data?


Thank You,


  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    You can send some specific headers in the request, say header name SEND_RESPONSE_CODE=400 or 500

    In the mock service, script dispatcher read that header is present and what code you want to return based on its have and send dynamic reply accordingly.

    Hope this helps.
    • kailashlatad's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks for reply , Sorry I forgot to mention I am creating mock for SOAP request and driving factor is test data.


      Can you please suggest your view or solution for dynamic mock creation?