How to automatically refresh access token OAuth2.0
For those who have an issue with automatic refresh of access token for OAuth2.0 authorization, here is a simple manual to fix the bug.
If the automatic refresh of token does not work by default , basically, a "javascript" part has to be added to the project file(ex: xml ). It can be simply added by some dummy steps(pic2), adding "Page 3" in automation, click run, and then you can delete the 3rd page(pic3). I left all pages blank. On pic4, you can see the part of code added to the xml project file with these steps. Refresh of token then works automatically anytime after it expires, when you execute API request(no need to click "Get Access Button"). Tested on REST API project with Client Credentials Grant type.
This should save you a lot of time looking for a solution of this bug in SoapUI:)