Forum Discussion

air16's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

How can we create a project test suite without affecting the responses of multiple test suite?

I created automation suite. The problem is when I run the project test suite, the response of two test suites becomes an error? But when I run the two suites separately, it is working fine. It is like the server can not handle too many response.

  • PaulMS's avatar
    Super Contributor

    What is the error message?  Is there any dependency between the test suites - test steps updating the same database or property transfers?

    • air16's avatar
      Occasional Contributor



      Let me give you some broader details of my Project:


      Project > 2 Test Suite

      1st Test Suite = 8 Test Cases (Note: 1Test Case = 1Test Step)

      2nd Test Suite = 35 Test Cases (Note: 1Test Case = 1Test Step)


      Test steps inside the 1stTest Suite is not dependent to the 2ndTest Suite.

      But some Test Steps inside 2nd Test Suite is dependent to each other due to updating of test data in it. So it must be executed in series manner. 


      When I tried running the Test Suite separately. It works fine. All test steps are behaving as expected.


      But when the Project Test Suite was run.

      The 2nd Test Suite is behaving incorrectly.

      Some test cases is not acquiring the test data values correctly. Most of the test cases got an error "Not Authorized" which on my understanding is that server can not handle the 2 Test Suites responses and looses the connection.

      I tried running the test case (the test case that got a 'Not Authorized' error) separately and now it behaves correctly. :(





      Also I tried switching the order of the Test Suites and running the Project Test Suite:

      1st Test Suite = 35Test cases

      2nd Test suite = 8 Test Cases..


      now the 2nd test suite (8Test cases) is behaving incorrectly. :(  



      • PaulMS's avatar
        Super Contributor

        That is strange. If it is a timing problem then one option is to add a short delay in a groovy script before the error occurs.