Forum Discussion

RaMup29's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

how can I give a variable in my load test,

I have Soap request which I will be using in LoadTest
But the problem is LoadTest will run the same query again n again in the loop

I want the loadtest to have a variable assigned, so the variable should take the value from the defined range ..



Below is my SOAP request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v1="">



In the above request, I want to give "userEquipmentInfoData" input as a variable
Something like

where IMEI=444999334560000-444999334570000


So that the loadTest will run take the values from this range when it run each time.

  • Hi,


    So to generate a random number every time (with the same number of digits that you have in your example) you can use:


    ${= ((String)(int)(Math.random()*10000000000000)).padLeft(14,'0')}

    This would generate something like:




    Breaking the one-liner down:


    (int)(Math.random()*10000000000000) //generates a random integer >0 and <10000000000000

    Then, to get the right number of digits every time, I padded the number with zeros from the left:



    Will this do?




  • rupert_anderson's avatar
    Valued Contributor



    If the value to substitute can be random, then maybe you could try something like:


    You can always append prefix string etc.


    If you would like a sequential number (unique across TestCase executions when run by a load test), then you need to make sure you store the number somewhere shared e.g. a counter property stored against the TestSuite and incremented when the TestCase is run.


    I am in the process of blogging something that has an example of a sequential number generator. Not quite finished yet, but let me know if its useful and I'll finish it off (actually may go beyond what you need):



    You can also take data items from a shared datasource e.g. database or file, using a Groovy TestStep in the TestCase. A bit harder to explain in a sentence, let me know if you want more info on this.


    Basically there's a few good options depending on your exact requirement.





    • RaMup29's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi Rupert


      Many thanks for the quick reply


      I am okay to have a random number for each run.


      I am a new to SoapUI, can you please help me in getting the exact syntax pls


      for the line below:



      the 111222333344455, I want to have this value generated randomly



      Or pls help in writing the code to take the numbers from the text file on my computer.

      • rupert_anderson's avatar
        Valued Contributor



        So to generate a random number every time (with the same number of digits that you have in your example) you can use:


        ${= ((String)(int)(Math.random()*10000000000000)).padLeft(14,'0')}

        This would generate something like:




        Breaking the one-liner down:


        (int)(Math.random()*10000000000000) //generates a random integer >0 and <10000000000000

        Then, to get the right number of digits every time, I padded the number with zeros from the left:



        Will this do?


