Forum Discussion

ballard123's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Groovy - Select position for related arrays and verify contents



I have been looking for almost a week now around how to best approach this but cannot find anything.


I have two arrays which are related that are storing values from a loop through a JDBC output


These arrays are set like this (i increments in loop, medium also contains common values within the array which is where type comes in to identify for what I want to use it for) Both arrays are the same size.


 medium[i] = holder.getNodeValue(nodeStringMedium).toString()

 type[i] = holder.getNodeValue(nodeStringType).toString()


Once I have them all stored I then want to search for where a value is within the medium which I was using: medium.findIndexValues {
 it == "Post"



But due to that coming with multiple positions of post (1,4,6) it doesn't allow me to find the position in type using that.


I am looking for:


store as a variable the position where medium = X and type = Y


for example in the below I want to find the position of medium = "Post" and Type = "Alternative" which would be 4



  • I'd go with a matrix-approach. Define three lists in a list, one for index and two for your values. The just run find on the index-column and use the value to test the other two columns for what you are looking for. 


    def matrix = [[],[],[]];
    //Populate the matrix for this example
    3.times { i -> 
      matrix​[0][i] = i
      matrix[1][i] = "POST $i"
      matrix[2][i] = "TYPE $i"
    //[[1,     2,      3],
    //[POST 0, POST 1, POST 2],
    //[TYPE 0, TYPE 1, TYPE 2]]
    //Search the indices and check the other two columns 
    //for their values using the current index
    int indexOfPost2Type2 = matrix[0].find { i -> 
       matrix[1][i] == 'POST 2' && matrix[2][i] == 'TYPE 2'
    //indexOfPost2Type2 == 2


    try it out and see how that works. :)

  • 05ten's avatar

    I'd go with a matrix-approach. Define three lists in a list, one for index and two for your values. The just run find on the index-column and use the value to test the other two columns for what you are looking for. 


    def matrix = [[],[],[]];
    //Populate the matrix for this example
    3.times { i -> 
      matrix​[0][i] = i
      matrix[1][i] = "POST $i"
      matrix[2][i] = "TYPE $i"
    //[[1,     2,      3],
    //[POST 0, POST 1, POST 2],
    //[TYPE 0, TYPE 1, TYPE 2]]
    //Search the indices and check the other two columns 
    //for their values using the current index
    int indexOfPost2Type2 = matrix[0].find { i -> 
       matrix[1][i] == 'POST 2' && matrix[2][i] == 'TYPE 2'
    //indexOfPost2Type2 == 2


    try it out and see how that works. :)

    • ballard123's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks for the help, I took on your advice and changed it slightly to create the multi dimension array in the loop through SQL response instead but im facing a memory size issue. Is there a way to change the test case memory allocation through the front end?

      • 05ten's avatar

        There's a whole article explaining how to do it on the soapui docs aktually. Check it out Here.