Forum Discussion

Mehman87's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Generate a Report after running a Testsuite

I have set up a Testsuite with 17 testcases. Rather than going into each case to see the output, i would like to print the Output (responses) into 1 file. 


Is there a way to do this, and if so, how? Im using SoapUI version 5.4.0 Free Version


Thanks in advance

  • Hi Mehman87 ,


    Yes it can be achieved by writting custom groovy code. Let me know if you need help on this.

    • Mehman87's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thanks for your help on this HimanshuTayal 

      Are you able to send me an example of the code required please?



      • JHunt's avatar
        Community Hero

        Start with something basic like this in the TestSuite Teardown Script. Expand it as required:


        File out = new File("/temp/blah.txt")
        testSuite.testCaseList.each {
            it.testStepList.findAll { it instanceof HttpRequestTestStep }.each { 
                out << "${} -- ${}" + "\n"
        	out << it.httpRequest.requestContent + "\n\n"
        	out << it.httpRequest.response.contentAsString + "\n\n"