Forum Discussion

terente_andrei's avatar
New Contributor
14 years ago

Workflow customization


We are using QA Complete 9.7. We want to implement state workflow transition based on the user's security group, but aren't able to do it. For example, we want users in QA Group to be able to submit and close defects, users in Developer Group to reject or fix defects but not close them etc. Is this functionality supported, if yes - where to look for it, if no - when will it be implemented?

  • Hi Andrei,

    You can do some of this at the Security Group. There is a Security Permission to Assign items, Close Items or Approve Items.

    If you do not want a Security Group to Close items, then uncheck the "Allow Closing of Items" checkbox. This prevents the users in this group from seeing any status that includes the text "Close".

    Same with Approving: if you do not want a group to Approve items, uncheck the "Allow approving of items" check box. This prevents the users in this group from seeing any status that includes the text "Approve".

    Hope this helps!
  • Hi Barbara,

    Thanks for your prompt reply. I understand your proposed solution, but it does not come very close to our needs. Especially since we added new statuses, we also want to handle them based on user's permissions (group). Will this be implemented in any of the upcoming releases (workflow transition based on security groups)?

  • Hi Andrei,

    We have some request for workflow enhancements, but nothing quite like this. I can make note of your need for consideration. It's not currently on our roadmap, so I can't make any guess as to exactly what or when any changes would be made, sorry to say.

    But we do appreciate the input, thanks!