Forum Discussion

RBlack's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Mark tests as blocked to prevent execution

Two questions related to blocking tests in QAComplete.


1. Is there some way to mark tests as blocked so that they will not be executed? 


2. Can tests be blocked on a condition (such as linked to an open JIRA) such that when the condition no longer holds the tests will be available for execution?

  • Hello,


    Regarding your first question:
    - The control you have right now is the "Is Active?" check box. If the Test Set is inactive, you cannot run it. If the Test within a Set is inactive, it will be skipped.


    Regarding your second question:
    - At this time we do not have such an option to block a test by a specific defect or JIRA item or condition. We are constantly looking for feedback like your own to enhance QAComplete. I am going to pass your request on to our Product Management team.


    Thank you,


2 Replies

  • Hello,


    Regarding your first question:
    - The control you have right now is the "Is Active?" check box. If the Test Set is inactive, you cannot run it. If the Test within a Set is inactive, it will be skipped.


    Regarding your second question:
    - At this time we do not have such an option to block a test by a specific defect or JIRA item or condition. We are constantly looking for feedback like your own to enhance QAComplete. I am going to pass your request on to our Product Management team.


    Thank you,


  • We have recently seen a possible need for this as well.  We thought that if a test was not "Approved", it should not be available for test execution.  Right now, we have "New", "In Design", "Awaiting Approval", "Rejected", and "Outdated" as other statuses. We would like to block test execution if any of these other statuses exist for a test.

    We can use the "Is Active"for now, but would like to see this other functionality added at some point.