Forum Discussion

hilary_green's avatar
14 years ago

How to link imported mutliple requirments and testcases

I have been able to import from CSV Files a set of our existing requirements and testcases. I would now like to be able to link them correctly without having to attack each of the 800 odd testcases one by one. The requirements and testcases have fields which identify which should be matched to which. How can I do this?
  • Hi Hilary,

    There is no automatic function based on your matching fields, sorry to say. You can use the filtering function to find the appropriate test case for your requirement, but you will have to link them up manually.
  • Hi Hilary!

    After digging around a little bit, I thought maybe this would be helpful:

    This video steps through Requirement to Test Case Traceability and shows a "shortcut" for selecting multiple items to link to a requirement. Since you used the Import process to bring in your Requirements and Test Cases, you could create a filter by Import ID for the Test Cases.

    Then, when you click on Traceability on the Requirement screen and then click on Link Items, you can use your Import ID filter to locate the test cases. Once you've filtered, you can multi-select the desired Test Cases to link up to the Requirement.

    Hope that helps!
  • Swoop's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Hilary, did you ever find a way to automate the linking of requirements and testcases?