Forum Discussion

perryjames's avatar
9 years ago

How do you capture scenarios for testing in QA Complete?

We are a PeopleSoft shop and usually test and report by PeopleSoft module.


We need to tie testing to scenarios to ensure full coverage of testing across the modules, and want to know how others capture scenarios for testing within the QA Complete tool.

1 Reply

  • Hi Perry,


    There is no out-of-the-box integration between QAC and PeopleSoft Test Framework. Automated testing tools, which are currently supported by Test Agent (Test Agent is a communication tool between QAC and testing tools), are listed here.


    But, you can create your own Test Agent, which communicates with QAC via its REST API and runs PeopleSoft tests via Command Line. Please refer to the "Creating Test Agents" article to learn how to do this.