11 years ago
Defect: Defalut value when adding a Note
When adding a note in the defect module, you have to choose a Tag every time to get Timestamp and name.
* Go to Defect module
* Open a defect
* Go down to the bottom of the defect, there will be a area called "Latest Note"
* Push the link "Add new note"
* Choose "Tag" then "Date+My name"
The problem is, that I have to choose a tag every time I create a note. I want the tag to be default.
Br. Anders
* Go to Defect module
* Open a defect
* Go down to the bottom of the defect, there will be a area called "Latest Note"
* Push the link "Add new note"
* Choose "Tag" then "Date+My name"
The problem is, that I have to choose a tag every time I create a note. I want the tag to be default.
Br. Anders