12 years ago
Agile Tasks - Future Date for Escalation Rule Criteria
I'm currently working on implementing Agile Tasks in ALMComplete for assignments within a group on a project. The Agile Tasks work great for this but, in trying to implement escalation rules, I'm unable to determine how to specify a future date for escalation. Here's a brief explanation:
I'm trying to specify an escalation rule that basically says that if your task is in Assigned status and the due date is less than X days away, it should fire. I saw something in the documentation for the default values of fields (in another section) that indicated that I could select "30 days from now" and adjust the "30" to another number. This doesn't work there or in this instance. Does anyone know how I would specify the future date?
As an additional note, I did some playing with this in the Defalt Values section for the Agile Tasks screen layout and it looks like this might work in the Est Finish Date field. Should I maybe be using this as a Due Date instead? If so, is there an easy way to change the label to something else?
I've added a Due Date field for the Agile Task to set a hard deadline for when it should be completed.
We have created a number of statuses, one of which is Assigned. This is the initial state of the task.
I'm trying to specify an escalation rule that basically says that if your task is in Assigned status and the due date is less than X days away, it should fire. I saw something in the documentation for the default values of fields (in another section) that indicated that I could select "30 days from now" and adjust the "30" to another number. This doesn't work there or in this instance. Does anyone know how I would specify the future date?
As an additional note, I did some playing with this in the Defalt Values section for the Agile Tasks screen layout and it looks like this might work in the Est Finish Date field. Should I maybe be using this as a Due Date instead? If so, is there an easy way to change the label to something else?