Forum Discussion

hilary_green_1's avatar
11 years ago

Adding folder structure when importing testcases

I have a csv File to import a stck of testcases and would like to import them into a test Library Folder structure. I thought about defining the Folders in the import file that I would like to have, with the expectation the folders would be created if they didn't already exist. This did not seem to work. Should it? If so, how do you do it?

eg. I have "TM test Library"

and then want something like

 "TM Test Library/ab/gui 1"

 "TM Test Library/ab/gui 2"

 "TM Test Library/xy/gui 1"

 "TM Test Library/xy/gui 2/special"

I don't want ot have to create all the structure by hand if it can be done automatically
  • Hello Hilary,

    Thank you for your Forum Post. The import process will not create the folders. The parent and child folders must exist in the application before you start the import process.

    Thank you,
