Forum Discussion

hienhoang88's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

What make LoadComplete more valuable than Jmeter and Silk Performer

I've been asked to evaluate LoadComplete. So far, that's a pretty awesome tool.
But I didn't see any big differences with tools such as JMETER or Silkpeformer on the projects I used to work.
Would you please tell me in which cases should I use LoadComplete instead of JMETER or Silkperformer?


Also, for remote server monitoring, could I have an example since thee documentation doesn't help really much.

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Icon for Champion Level 3 rankChampion Level 3



    I don't have a lot of experience with JMeter, but I bet that reporting in LoadComplete is much better. At least LoadComplete keeps all reports but not just the last one, so you can review and compare them.

    Also I'd honestly venture a guess that LoadComplete is more user friendly and straightforward to use.

    LoadComplete works only with http(s) and JMeter might have a better support for other protocols, but this must be verified.

    • hienhoang88's avatar
      Occasional Contributor



      Thanks for your help. I would like to know if we have the possibility to script in LoadComplete, aka, do we have any component allowing to manually add some scripts in order to manipulate datas or whatsoever.


      And also, if for example I have a scenario which require my scenario to be completed after some amount of times, do we have any kind of features or any options which let us to define manually the time to pause the scenario, which is different to the think



      Many thanks for your help.


      Hien HOANG.

      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Icon for Champion Level 3 rankChampion Level 3

        Hi Hien,


        > [...] if we have the possibility to script in LoadComplete [...]

        No, there is no scripting in LoadComplete. I believe that the reason for this decision was execution performance considerations.

        However, LoadComplete has the means like Data Selectors and Data Replacers that makes it possible to extract data from responses and parameterize requests. Combined with the means to get test data from external sources (like databases or data files) this makes it possible to create dynamic tests that quite effectively emulate different human users.


        > [...] if for example I have a scenario which require my scenario to be completed after some amount of times [...]

        Not sure that I did not miss something in your question, but the Continuous Load functionality might be the thing you are looking for:


        P.S. Online documentation for LoadComplete can be found here: and I would recommend at least to skim it.