Forum Discussion

aduncan's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

[LoadUIWeb] Specifying acceptable run or respond times

I have a steady load test that runs for 37 seconds when verifying the scenario with one virtual user. It takes 10 users 3 minutes and 19 seconds to complete the task and a max. of 170 virtual users 20 minutes and 57 seconds. No errors or warnings ocurred. In this case, is it correct that in theory, it would take each user over 20 minutes to complete this task when the load is that heavy?

Obviously, in the real world, no user would wait that long to complete this task so I am trying to find the threshold for an acceptable completion time, if the above assumption is correct. Let's say it should not take more than x mins to log in or it should not take more than x seconds to save a record.

When I specify a Continuous Load and set a time, no users can ever finish all requests. Which setting would I use to specify the max. duration of an entire load test?


Which setting would I use to limit the response time of a certain action during the test run? The goal would be to have the test fail if that time is reached.  I have been looking at the Random Think Time and Quality of Service settings but those apply to the entire test.

Thanks so much for your help,

  • MPunsky's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Antje,

    In order to get the numbers that you are looking for, try the following:

    Test: 01

    • VU: 1

    • Load Profile: Steady Load

    • Continuous Load: Enable, 30 minutes

    Test: 02

    • VU: 10

    • Load Profile: Step Wise, start with 1 VU, and add 1 VU per second

    • Continuous Load: Enable, 30 minutes

    Test: 03

    • VU: 170

    • Load Profile: Step Wise, start with 1 VU, and add 1 VU per second

    • Continuous Load: Enable, 30 minutes

    You can get the answers you are looking for in the test report.  On the first page, look under scenario completion time.  This is the time that it takes each user to complete one pass through the scenario.

    You may have created artificial bottlenecks when running all VU's under continuous load.

  • MPunsky's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hello Antje,

    Just checking back with you to see if your testing is going well.