Forum Discussion

dkact's avatar
12 years ago

[LoadUIWeb] Request does not show the values captured


I am working on asp .net application.

I need to parameterize data for a wizard, When I record test , request does not show up the values selected from dropdown. Some of response show the values from data source.

I need to parametetize this dropdown data for number of users.

Please help me on the same


  • I've already answered to this question. You need to look through every single request and find the parameters in it and replace them one by one.
  • hey..

    I looked into every single request generated against the wizard. To do this i have labled each n every screen for my simplicity. but when i access the request generated against  the wizard I am displayed with only the parameters tab against the request

    Please refer the attachment  here with. same is true for each request having lable next.

    when i cross check the response against the request i am displayed with the data i enterd .

    Help me on the same.

  • Displayed request is not the request that posts the data to the server. You may consult with your application developer to determine the request witch sends the data to the server.