Forum Discussion

michael_jones1's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

[LoadUIWeb] Keep getting 10061 socket errors (Connection refused)

I am testing a basic web app via a record and playback script. My script does not include a login or password step. The script records without errors; however, when I perform the Verify Scenario task (which is recommended prior to running an actual load test) I am seeing authentication failures.

How can I get around authentication when the script I am running does not even have a login step?
  • MPunsky's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Mike,

    In your test settings, try un-checking the box labeled "correct host", before running the test.

  • MPunsky's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Double-Click on your test in the project pane on the left.

    In the top box in the center pane, you will see:

    user name, user count, scenario...etc. The last item on the right is the "correct host" check box.

  • morg125's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I have this problem too. Load testing application for 50 virtual users takes place successfully. In attempt to increase number of users to 60 and more there is a error The following socket error occurred during simulation:

    10061: Connection refused

    Un-checking the box labeled "correct host" doesn't help

  • The error itself means that the server side reject the connection. This may be due to server limitation or even ddos protection. Some simple ddos protection can be cheat by random think time. You can try this. 
  • morg125's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    It works! So simply. Thank you very much for the answer and explanation!


    Just for your information; i had the same 10061 socket errors (Connection refused) issue and tried all sorts of things including those suggested here but didnt make any head way.  I found out that there is a DNS issue with the machine where the load is applied   The browser opens URL with their 1P addresses but rejects URL with host names. 

    The solution to this is in my suggestion will be to ensure that the exact URL used in recording the scenario is tested in the target machine before applying load. Best practice is to ensure that DNS issues are non existent.