13 years agoNew Contributor
Issues while replaying Load complete scenario with new Variables from Spread sheet
Hi SmartBear,
Downloaded and recorded on the latest version of LoadComplete 2.60 (10/3/2012)
Recorded a scenario on newer version of Load Complete 2.60, difficulty in replaying the scenario using different varaiables in excel Spread sheet while specifing the path of the paramter file in "Set Parameter Values" table, Does not show the File path as specified,
The path specified was C:\NewAssessment_NoPort.xlsx, sheet name “ HICN_New Assessment”
But it appears “..\..\ NewAssessment_NoPort.xlsx” Hence a pop up errors "Loadcomplete is unable to find Data Source(parameter file to fetch the variables" [PFA]
For more details please find the screen shot in document attached, Please advise or let me know if any patch available.This is a show stopper for my testing efforts.
Early response is Appreciated.