Forum Discussion

RyanHeidorn's avatar
10 years ago

Defining and Reporting on Pages in LoadComplete

This post applies to LoadComplete versions 3.11 and earlier.


Defining pages in a performance test is a helpful way to organize your scenario, and is particularly important for reporting. For example, a reporting metric like Page Load Time only makes sense if it accurately reflects what you understand to be a "page" in your website or web app.


With LoadComplete, you can define where a page starts and ends either by choosing a pagination mode during recording (I recommend the "Only Manual" mode) or through manual page creation within the scenario editor (I recommend defining pages in the "Group by Pages" view).


But what is a page, exactly? Performance testers and end users probably have different ideas about what constitutes a page. For this reason, it's important to make sure we're all on the same page. :smileywink:


The end user is likely to think that a page is everything that's contained in one fully-rendered browser window. The performance tester, however, works with raw request transactions and thus has a more flexible view of pagination. The tester may, for example, decide to group all the traffic associated with a log in process as a single page, thereby enabling him or her to report on the execution time (or "page load time") of that particular process.


In LoadComplete, a page is a simply a convenient way to organize requests. Once you have established a performance baseline, creative grouping of requests into pages can help you isolate and test specific performance issues on your site or app.


Avg. Page Load

4 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Ryan,


    Pretty inspiring post and a good reason to reconsider some basics assumed when working for load test projects... Thank you for this.


    > In LoadComplete, a page is a simply a convenient way to organize requests

    With this in mind, this approach seems to be a good reason for the improvement of requests management within scenario.

    Given, that it is not allowed to change the sequence (or order) in which requests are simulated (though this might be reconsidered for the async (AJAX) requests triggered by some page timer regardless of the page state), the following improvement request ideas came to me immediately:

    -- It is possible to split some page into two or more ones by selecting a request that belongs to this page and select the Start New Page command from the context menu. But it is not possible to select two or more sequential pages and combine them into one page. Can this functionality be added?

    -- Considering your example with a log: It is possible that logging requests are not send sequentially but with some other requests in-between. So, when isolating such logging requests within pages, the logging pages will be separated by some other pages. However, it is possible that the tester will be interested to see the combined result for all these logging pages (for example, to get an idea of how much time logging actions take on the page in total). Does it sound reasonable to be able to combine the results reported for several pages within some wrapping container?


    Thoughts? Did I miss something or the functionality I am talking about already exists in LoadComplete?