10 months agoFrequent Visitor
Stuck with Cucumber.js - how do I run the same test on different pages?
Hi all,
I'm new to Cucumber.js and automated testing in general. I am using Selenium Webdriver and Cucumber.js to run tests from Node.js, and so far so good.
However, I have a hopefully simple problem I just can't seem to find a solution to:
How do I run the same test without triggering the "Multiple step definitions match" error?
Say, I have 2 .feature files:
Feature: Home Page
Scenario: Check the home page
Given I am on the home page
Then there should be a banner
// other tests
Feature: About Page
Scenario: Check the about page
Given I am on the about page
Then there should be a banner
// other test
On their respective .js steps files (homePageSteps.js and aboutPageSteps.js) I have the expression:
Then('there should be a banner', async function() {
var homeBanner = await banners.checkBannerExists(this, 'banner');
But of course running either feature file gives the error:
✖ Then there should be a banner
Multiple step definitions match:
there should be a banner - features/pages/steps/homePageSteps.js:32
there should be a banner - features/pages/steps/aboutPageSteps.js:20
Does anyone know how I should be going about using the same test in multiple places/pages?
PS: I have extracted the checkBannerExists function to `./support/components/banner.js` as such:
const { By } = require('selenium-webdriver');
async function checkBannerExists(webdriver, bannerClass) {
var banner = await webdriver.driver.findElement(By.className(bannerClass)).getRect();
return banner.height;
module.exports = { checkBannerExists };