How to use/reference datatable columns in definition steps
Hi there:
We have several forms that we are developing and we're trying to create a single function that can be used to validate any of them by passing the list of fields.
We are looking to represent this in Hiptest/Cucumber Studio so we created the action word validate the fields in the form "form-name" where we pass a table (with each field's ID, type, label, etc.) as parameter. The challenge is when we're trying to create the action word's definition where we are usually able to reference parameters, but in the case of the datatable, we would need to use the columns to fill the variables. Nothing works there, I've tried the column-name directly, =column-name, "column-name"...
How can this be done? We do not want to use the datatable at the scenario level because that would mean running several runs of the same scenario one for each field, nor we want to add a line for each column as steps in the scenario as it could not be very re-usable once we start working on the other forms.
Attached are screenshots of the action word used in a scenario and the details of its definition.
Please let me know if you need any other information and I thank in advance for any help you can provide. 🙂