Forum Discussion

Queenzlander's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

How to confirm the hyperlink URL without clicking the hyperlink?

Does anyone know how to confirm the URL 'behind' a hyperlink is correct without having to click the hyperlink?


For example, I have a hyperlink on the screen with the label 'Home' and the 'a href' value of the hyperlink is "", for example. i.e./ <a href="">Home</a>


When the mouse pointer hovers over the hyperlink, the URL is displayed above the status bar as "", as expected.


When executing the test manually, I can see that the URL is correct, but when I use the 'Record & Replay' functionality to capture my steps (hover functionality), there does not appear to be a way to confirm that the expected URL is found/displayed.


If a developer accidentally modifies the URL, my 'Record & Replay' test case would still pass, even though the wrong URL was linked to the 'Home' hyperlink based on the AI decided XPath. i.e./ //html[1]/body[1]/footer[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]


Thank you in advance for any assistance.

  • Answer provided by Nick from CrossBrowserTesting:


    You can verify an HREF by using 'Add Expect' and selecting 'Element'. Once you have clicked on the element that contains the HREF, you will see a dialogue open. Change the Expect to 'Attribute' and the Name to 'HREF'.


    Usually, the Value will populate with a portion of the URL from the HREF, so I would recommend to paste in the entire link or adjust the 'To' field to Contains. 

  • Answer provided by Nick from CrossBrowserTesting:


    You can verify an HREF by using 'Add Expect' and selecting 'Element'. Once you have clicked on the element that contains the HREF, you will see a dialogue open. Change the Expect to 'Attribute' and the Name to 'HREF'.


    Usually, the Value will populate with a portion of the URL from the HREF, so I would recommend to paste in the entire link or adjust the 'To' field to Contains.