Forum Discussion

vasci's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Connecting to Gitlab Community vs Enterprise

I am trialing using Collaborator with Gitlab and our companies Gitlab server. I am able to connect the Collaborator server to a project on "" without any issues but cannot connect to our corporate Gitlab server. I have been told our corporate Gitlab server is "Community" Edition. Is this an issue?

  • vasci's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    My understanding is now that this should not be an issue. However, the connection to our company Gitlab server fails with a single line in the log of ccollab-server

    2017-07-06 15:37:17,463 ERROR http-nio-8080-exec-14 com.smartbear.ccollab.controllers.AdminRemoteSystem - Can`t load repositories

  • vasci's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Ok I solved the problem.

    Our corporate Gitlab server would show "site untrusted" in FireFox on the collaborator server machine because the certificate issuer (GlobalSign) is not trusted by default. This was the clue. I got the certificate from our IT dept. and installed it into the Java runtime certicate store using "keytool -import " and now everything works!