Forum Discussion

SmartBearRD's avatar
8 years ago

I am planning to move my hardware InSite appliance to a new VM Private Node. What are the steps?

This is becoming a popular process and it is very straightforward; however, it is important that the steps be carefully followed. Prior to the move please co-ordinate with Customer Care as one of the steps requires that AlertSite Customer Care be contacted to reset the UUID of the InSite location (and also the VM Private Node if it is already registered).


Under No Circumstances delete the InSite Location of the appliance. Do not delete this as this location will become the “new” VM Private Node Location.


Please ensure that your VM Private Node specs meet the minimum requirements (which can also be found on this forum in another post).

Also your new VM Private Node has to be deployed from a new image. Contact your account manager or Customer Success Manager regarding obtaining a new image.


These instructions are for 1.0 classic AlertSite UI.

1) In your AlertSite account using 1.0, under Configure in the blue banner, go to Manage InSite Locations, click on the name of the InSite appliance and set monitoring to inactive on the InSite appliance; Set Notify on error to NO. Be sure to click submit. Please allow 15 - 20 minutes after this step before continuing, to allow for any propagation delays.

2) Disconnect the network on the existing appliance and power down the InSite appliance.

3) In your AlertSite account in Manage InSite Locations, change the Location plan (license) from InSite By AlertSite to VM Node and click submit. (You will need to have coordinated this license issue in advance with your account manager.)

4) Have your VM spun up and ready to register (


**Please Note: For VM Private Node 2.1.0 (which at this time is the latest), the following must be done next. The Private Node needs to be manually pointed to the new InSite endpoint.


In the InSite Control Panel address field, type:


https://<INSITE IP>/cgi-bin/alertsite_host.cgi


where <INSITE IP> is the IP of your VM Private Node Instance.


When prompted “Enter the AlertSite host for this InSite location”, please type into the field:


and then click Apply Changes in the upper right corner and wait to see the confirmation that the host has been updated.


Please see the video:

5) Inform AlertSite Customer Care to reset the UUID(s) and wait for confirmation from Customer Care before proceeding

6) Register the VM Manage InSite Location - Register it by taking the Location ID (32 characters) of the InSite (old appliance) and place it in the registration field of the InSite Control Panel of the VM Private Node and ensure there are no spaces or other characters in the field. ADMIN or COADMIN account Login and Password are entered.

Click the Register Button on Register InSite Location

7) Back in the AlertSite account in Manage InSite Location, set Monitoring is active and click submit. 

8) When the monitoring has resumed, Set Notify on Error to yes and click submit.

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