AlertSite Locations running Firefox 24.0
AlertSite is in the process of upgrading all remote locations. The upgraded locations are running Firefox 38. Below are the location still running Firefox 24. This list is current as of 4/14/2017. Check the Forums for updates on location upgrades. The upgrades and maintenance notices are also posted on the 'Messages' tab in both the AlertSite 1.0 and UXM consoles. Administrative contacts on the account are also sent email notifications on maintenance and upgrades:
- Firefox 24 Locations as of 4/14
Austin TX
Beijing China
Birmingham UK
Boston - Cogent
Brisbane AUS
Brussels BEL
Buenos Aires
Capetown SA
Cincinnati OH
Dallas TX
Detroit MI
Dublin IRE
Fort Lauderdale FL
Fremont CA
Kansas City KS
Los Angeles CA - Level 3
Madrid SP
Manchester UK
Philadelphia PA - AboveNet
Philadelphia PA - XO
Portland OR
San Diego CA
San Francisco CA
Shanghai CHI
St. Louis MO
Stockholm SWE
Trumbull CT