xe8 integration
I am trying to profile the loading time of an XE8 Delphi VCL win32 application. I installed the trial version of the AQTime 8.40. I checked the integration with the XE8 IDE option during running the AQtime setup.
Now, when I am in the IDE and I try the AQtime -> Run With Profiling option I get a message dialog saying "AQtime Trial does not allow saving results" and it wants me to "order AQtime now". The dialog has only one button "Abort" + the window cancel button which I assume is the same as the "Abort" button because, after I click it, nothing happens.
First question, can one actually profile a Delphi VCL win32 app within XE8 with AQtime?
Now, I ran the AQtime standalone app. But when I profile the XE8 delphi app it doesn't show any information in the report section, after I stop the app.
The problem that I have - and it is specific to my computer - is that it takes a very long time to load the app. From what I've seen it spends a lot of time creating the auto-created forms and I am trying to figure out what's taking so long.
Any advice?