Forum Discussion

dunkers's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

License change

In the V6 EULA I was allowed to install AQTime on my main PC and, additionally, a laptop. In the V7 EULA this has changed to allow only one install on my main PC. Worse, it is a specific PC, and I can de-install just 3 times before I then have to plead my case to Aut^H^H^HSMartBear.

Oh, and now I'm forced to install and pollute my development machine with the awful HASP. Additionally, I can't turf this rubbish off to a VM (which I normally do for ill-behaved software) since I'm using a Name User license, which in actuality is a Named PC license.

Why do you do this to the customers that are paying your bills? I didn't rip off V6 (didn't even install on my laptop, but it was nice knowing that I could have). As usual, the legitimate well-behaved paying punters get a worse experience than the hackers. Is it really to your benefit that I kick myself and whine "but I paid for this!"?

Might I suggest you nip over to the blindingly excellent Visual Slickedit ( and check out their forum from a year or so ago? They, too, had named user licenses and actually meant it - I could install on any machine I wanted, so long as it was just me using it. Then they changed the license manage to some thing that mucked with boot sectors, on the basis their product was too easy to nick. To cut to the chase, they were persuaded that they were doing the wrong thing, and they pretty soon went back to their old system, leaving they paying customers happy once more. I don't see them out on the streets with their begging bowls. I do see lots of recommendations for their great product and excellent customer service (and not just because I recommend it to anyone that will listen!). "AQTime? Sure, it does the biz but the licensing..."
  • Anonymous's avatar

    yes, the licensing in AQtime v7 changed, and it introduced some constraints that were not there in the earlier versions.

    I would recommend, in your specific case as a old customer of ours, that you contact our sales folks - they are pretty good about accommodating situations such as yours, through the licensing transition.

    Best regards,
  • dunkers's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks Sergei. I'll drop 'em an email and see what they suggest.
  • dunkers's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Just to tidy this up, the sales folks quickly resolved this issue for me, so thanks very much to them and Sergei.