Forum Discussion

adrian_hawryluk's avatar
11 years ago

How do I compare execution flow between two sources?

Hi all,

I have two appliactions.  The names of the .DLLs and .EXEs are the same but in different directories.  The source files they point to are also in different directories but have the same file and function names (more or less) .

Trying to determine what has changed in terms of execution flow.  Is there a way of seeing and compairing the execution flow of one with another?

Is this possible with AQtime?  If so, how?


  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Adrian,

    I think that the easiest way is like this:

    -- You will need to create two AQtime projects (, one per each application and set up these projects so they use proper binaries with corresponding debug information and sources;

    -- Then you will need to execute profiling run for both applications using the same profilers and profiling areas setup (; (there are recordings at that might appear to be useful)

    -- Finally, you should export profiling results to some database ( and compare results using database reporting means.

    Alternative approach if profiling results are not huge (i.e. if you identified several problematic areas within your applications and profile them one by one) is to compare results manually by opening them side by side in AQtime running on separate machines (if I remember correctly, two Aqtime instances cannot be started on the same machine).

    Also you may consider to have one AQtime project and remap included profiled binaries from first application to second one and back. In this case you will be able to compare profiling results using AQtime's means (, but I am not sure if this way is more convenient when compared with two AQtime projects and results export to the database.
  • Hi Alexei,

    Thanks for your reply.  Could you please expand on what you mean by "... and compare results using database reporting means"?  What exactly do you mean by that?

    Two AQtime instances can be opened on one machine as I've done it.

    Thanks again,

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Adrian,

    > Could you please expand on what you mean by "... and compare results using database reporting means"?  What exactly do you mean by that?

    I meant that you can query database to get profiling results or some summary figures as per your needs, or you can process data using, for example OLAP cubes, etc.

    > Two AQtime instances can be opened on one machine as I've done it.

    Good to know, thanks. In this case you can open profiling results on the same machine and compare them visually (manual visual comparison :) ).