Forum Discussion

JoeH's avatar
16 years ago

Do you use VS2008 integration - what are the advantages?

I am curious to hear what experienced users have found to be the advantages of AQTime(v6 here) integrated into VS2008 instead of just running it standalone? Thanks, Joe
  • Hello Joe,

    AQtime integrates its menus, toolbars and panels with the Visual Studio IDE. A new project type is also added so you can store your AQtime project within your solution. In addition to that, AQtime contributes its object model to the Visual Studio .NET automation model so you can create custom add-ins for Visual Studio that use the object model. 

    Please see the "Integration into IDEs" help topic for a complete list of integration features.

  • MartinB_1's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I would also be curious how/if people use the plugin.

    I'm a relatively new user and I always use the standalon App and have disabled the plugin (just one more thing to slow VS down).

    One thing I noticed is that when some modules are opened in an AQTime standalone project, sometimes they're locked for writing so I get errors when recompiling. I wonder if that can happen with a plugin project.

    Also, I expect the standalone App to run smoother that the plugin stuff, but that is pure speculation and contradictions from people that actually use it might be interesting.


  • Hello Martin,


    One thing I noticed is that when some modules are opened in an AQTime standalone project, sometimes they're locked for writing so I get errors when recompiling. I wonder if that can happen with a plugin project.


    The situation occurs because AQtime monitors file changes in the output directory and automatically reloads debug information for the modules that are listed in the Modules pane. To avoid it, you can disable AQtime's "Auto reload debug information" option (Options | Options... | General | General Preferences). 

    AQtime also monitors file changes if you work with your AQtime project in the Visual Studio IDE. You can configure the option from the IDE if you select "Tools | Options..." and then select "AQtime | General | General Preferences" in the Options dialog.