Forum Discussion

Abe's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

Aqtime is not generating results when the host application ends

I am using AQ Time to generate a light code coverage report for the modules I have added. I'm profiling dlls and I have added the host application to load these dlls.

When I start my aqt project, it starts the application and profiling happens. But when the profiling ends or when the application is closed, results are not getting generated. 

If I manually click the "Get Results" button then the results are populated in the report panel.


My understanding is when profiling, results are generated when the host application exits.

I have gone through the AQtime Troubleshooter but with no results.

Please help.

Thanks in advance!!!




  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Abe,


    Considering that "After the profiling run is over, AQtime displays detailed information about profiling results." ( I think that your expectation is correct.

    I would suggest to try Troubleshooter first ( and contact Support via form referencing this thread if Troubleshooter does not help.

    I will appreciate if you update this thread with the result...

    • Abe's avatar
      New Contributor



      I contacted support by raising a customer care ticket and got a solution which worked for me to get the results automatically when the profiled application closed.


      This is why results weren't generating in the first place:


      AQtime doesn't generate profiling results if your application crashes or terminates with a non-zero exit code. In this case, the application is not finalized correctly, so AQtime cannot collect profiling results properly.

      However, AQtime has a mechanism to overcome the situation.


      And below is the solution suggested:


      Complete the following two steps: 

      1) Download and install the latest version of the tool. You can download AQtime 8.60 from AQtime's product page after you log in to the website using your registration information:

      2) Enable the Get results at early finalization phase option in the General Preferences dialog (Options | Options... | General | General Preferences) of AQtime.

      I have AQtime 8.40 installed and I did the 2nd option. By doing this results were generated automatically.


      Thank you for the support.




      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        Hi Abe,


        Thank you a lot for the update!

        (Need to go through documentation one more time to refresh my memory - 2nd option should definitely be described there...)