Any way to use wildcards (or even regex) to define routines to ignore?
I'd like to ignore all routines in a particular namespace and sometimes all routines in a particular class. Also, I have a situation where I want to ignore all files in a particular subtree (several hundred files).
For the last, I ended up doing
du - a | grep cpp > /tmp/foo
and then running that file through a regex editor to massage it into a list of filenames with their complete paths.
Surely there should be a way to write things like
to ignore all routines in a namespace
to ignore all methods in the class foo
**/foo/bar/*.cpp (.git ignore style :-)
to ignore all C++ files whose full filepath ends with /foo/bar
I couldn't find anything like this in the documentation about Ignore Files and Routines but it seems like a rather obvious piece of workflow
(Edit: The Filter mechanism does seem to have this kind of ability so perhaps it could just be extended to the Ignore files/routines)