Requirements permissions need refinement
The requirements permissions option gives more permission than some users should have simply because they need to use the map button. Additional options are needed to refine capabilities beyond delete. The Jira requirements option is the best example as to why this feature is needed. Only select people should be able to bring in requirements, but more people should be able to map. The proposed change (feature request) would offer more options as follows: 1) Read only (includes Export Requirements, map button) 2) Read/Write Only 3) Read/write Delete (with Jira Sync config, Jira sync Requirements, and disable sync)ZEUser26 days agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea10Views2likes1CommentAdd Export All in Folder Option
To export requirements or test cases, each item must be individually selected. This requires clicking on each subfolder and creating separate export files for each subfolder. As a user, I want to be able to select a folder and export all items in all subfolders (and preserve the hierarchy), so that I can have a single export file for all items (and avoid the extra time it takes to create multiple export files.)saradunngpn2 months agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea10Views2likes0CommentsBreadcrumb Navigation in Requirements
Once you navigate through the tree to open a requirement in Zephyr Ent, breadcrumbs appear on the top of the screen. But these breadcrumbs do not contain hyperlinks to navigate back through the breadcrumb trail. The only way I've found to get back to the main requirements tree is to click the back button, which takes you to the most recent folder. Then use the main folder structure to move navigate to other folders as desired. Adding a hyperlink to each section of the breadcrumbs would allow for much more efficient navigation to the desired destination folder. Example use case: After looking at requirement 2532, I want to return directly to the main sd_demo_zephyr_release0 folder.saradunngpn2 months agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea22Views2likes0CommentsAdd the ability to sort the project and release dropdowns by alphabetical order
Currently to a user, if they have access to multiple projects. The project dropdown selection and release dropdown on the top navigation bar selection appears to be sorted in a random way. It would be beneficial to be able to select the option on how the dropdowns should be sorted for both of them.josevillareal2 months agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea4Views1like0CommentsSplit test case step selete permissions from the Delete whole test case
Having an option to select if a user has the permissions to delete a test case step that is not tied to the ability to delete the whole test cases, will allow finer control of the permissions. Enabling the delete test case option, opens up a risk that test cases will be accidently deleted, but without it users are not able to delete individual test steps.josevillareal2 months agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea13Views1like1CommentEnable Auto Save Functionality
It appears there is no auto save functionality. This causes lost work when forgetting to click save at the end of a work day, for example, and your session times out. There are instances where you accidently 'X' out of all tabs and lose work also. Can we have the option to opt into auto save or have a way to recover unsaved data? That would be extremely helpful!kristen320104 months agoFrequent VisitorNew Idea23Views2likes0CommentsAdministration Issue Type Traceability
Currently, there is no traceability section within administration issue types within Jira so linking Zephyr test cases/cycles is non-existent. Could traceability and Zephyr linking be added to this issue type within Jira? I have recently found that this is now an option to add traceability and linking to Zephyr test cases in Jira through configuration. This request can be deleted.kristen320102 months agoFrequent VisitorNew Idea19Views2likes2CommentsAdd the number of each folder / subfolder content in Zephyr Requirments / Test Cases repositories
We want to add the possibility to see the number of each folder / subfolder content in Zephyr Requirments / Test Cases repositories Br, VisarVisarIKEA3 months agoFrequent VisitorNew Idea7Views1like0CommentsAbility to reorder test cases within test planning
As a tester, When creating a 'free form' test phase, I would like the option to rearrange my test cases in a specific order for testing. When planning a free-from phase, selecting "maintain hierarchy" only maintains the folder structure; the test cases are placed in a random order after being added.New Idea29Views4likes1CommentTree view - option to expand all and collapse all on all screens
The current implementation is taking too much time to drill down to the tree and then user has to do it all over again if navigating away to a different area. The efficient way it to have an option to expand and collapse all tree.ThuLCL7 months agoRegular VisitorAccepted for Discussion284Views9likes2CommentsIntegration with VersionOne
TestRail is another competitor of Zephyr and allows for easy integration of the Requirements+Defect management tool called “Version One” Somos (has procured Zephyr Enterprise licenses) uses Version One for Requirements tracking – Jira (already integrated) with your help yesterday. Now need to integrate VersionOne as well. Can you help or point us to an architect who can help us with the integration? months agoVisitorNew Idea183Views6likes0CommentsAbility to use tab to move within test steps
As a user, I need an easy and accessible way to navigate the screen while creating or editing a test case. Currently, you cannot use tab to move to the next text box when creating or updating a test case. It is also very difficult to click to the next test step without it creating a second step below the step you're working on.611Views8likes3CommentsAbility to 'Search and Map' to improve usability while mapping test cases and Requirement
Currently, when the User Maps the Requirement to Testcase and Testcase to requirement there is no search and map of the entity. So the user has to go to each and every folder and then map the Testcase or requirement on the pop-up to map test cases or map requirements, give the user the ability to either browse through the directory structure or search. External ID:-ZENT-I-125Selected for Development927Views11likes3CommentsDashboard gadget for Cross project reporting for Test Automation
Currently there is no way easily report on an entire project, most gadgets are release based. It would be helpful to be able to make these dashboard gadgets report data for the entire project, to be able to compare automation efforts across entire projects - Test Automation Status - Test Automation DistributionAccepted for Discussion432Views5likes6CommentsClone Functionality Improvements
When you clone a test case, sometimes you want to keep the links and other times you do not and it can really be a big pain point to remove them all. Jira functionality has a popup that allows you to change the name immediately and asks whether you want to clone attachments or links before creating the clone. Solution: Could Zephyr have a similar popup to allow you to change the name and select whether or not to keep the links attached to the clone before creation?kristen320104 months agoFrequent VisitorNew Idea3Views1like0CommentsTest Execution - Create Subtask
When I'm executing my test cycle from the the test player and I run into a defect, I need to create a WIP defect. Upon clicking the gear icon and then selecting create subtask, Zephyr brings me to a search parent issue popup. Why doesn't that default to the parent issue that is linked to the test cycle? So many extra clicks and it would save a lot of time for people who test several test cycles on a given day or week. Additionally, when you click next and get the create subtask popup, it typically defaults to subtask or release, which 9 out of 10 times, it will always be a WIP defect that needs creation when testing is in flight. Solution: default parent issue to the one linked in traceability and default create subtask issue type to WIP defect.kristen320104 months agoFrequent VisitorNew Idea6Views1like1CommentImprove usability and performances in folder views
When you are navigating the folder structure, every time that you expand a folder, Zephyr make a call to load the first level under the selected folder and it redraws the entire tree or at least it changes the position of the list, making very difficult to work with folders. Sometimes the folder is empty and you lost time and focus on what you are doing. Is it possible to improve the usability of those views? The folders tree should not move after that a node is expanded If a folder has not subfolders should not have the expansion triangle at the left (from the beginning because if you try to expand a folder and it's empty the triangle disappears) Make the expansion of the tree structure faster This is not only in requirements or test repository trees but it's the same for every tree in the application. Thanksmpicozzi_eidos7 months agoRegular Visitor672Views10likes1CommentZephyr Test Repository and Executions Searchable by Dates
The Zephyr API and ZQL language should allow for "Search" of test cases by "Created On" and "Executed On" date fields.albanesecj7 months agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea971Views10likes3CommentsRequest the number of lines per page be set to a specific default value (i.e. 100) and stick
Currently, the default value is 50 lines per web page. If user set to 100, then it will change back to 50. Request that user can set to a specific value (i.e., 100). Then by logging out and in, it will save the setting. This feature will improve user experience. ThanksThuLCL7 months agoRegular Visitor267Views6likes0CommentsInconsistency in the "Back" icon in the application
Today is the ZE the back is not consistent Like within a test case view, there is a small “back arrow” in the top right. In other places like the planning view, it’s a “<” icon on the top left. This inconsistency is confusing for our users.New Idea6Views2likes0CommentsCustomized Test Case Execution statuses need an option to turn the Defect button on or off
When creating a custom execution status, I would like the option to trigger the D button to appear, or not to appear The only statuses that do not trigger the D button to appear are "not executed" and "pass" Use case: I'm trying to create an "Approved" status, and I don't want the D button to appear. I could change the system default "pass" to "approved", but then then the custom status for "Pass" would trigger the D button.169Views4likes0CommentsExtend test execution related information
To support a continuous risk-based test strategy, hereby requesting the following custom fields and possibilities to be added: -Possibility to add Build Number to an individual test case execution. Hence looking at Execution History will list Status history with associated Build Numbers. -Possibility to filter on Build Number -Possibility to sort on Executed On (I e sort on execution date)VisarIKEA7 months agoFrequent VisitorNew Idea101Views3likes1CommentZQL - Search for unmapped requirements
As a user, I need the ability to search for requirements or test cases that are un-mapped within Zephyr projects and releases. - Add the ability to search both test cases and requirements for mapped or unmapped (true/false) - Make this available to search across projects and rereleasesNew Idea399Views5likes1CommentPasting Images
Allow for users to copy and paste images from Word Documents or other files to the test repository/test execution.Barb1013886 months agoRegular VisitorNew Idea13Views1like0CommentsAbility to reference a test case within another test case
When creating and executing test cases, having the ability to reference a test case within another test case step/detail will save time, effort, and confusion for users. Being able to just reference an existing test case, instead of re-writing it, will increase efficiency as the user creating the test case and the user who are executing the test case (this allows users to either navigate to the reference test case to follow, or skip it because they already have that knowledge/know the steps.jimmyvotph8 months agoSenior MemberSelected for Development491Views4likes7CommentsAdd function for testcase version bulk update
Please add the possibility to bulk update TC's to the latest version. Let say if I change a bunch of TC's (e.g. a new custom field was added) and it is necessary to use the latest version in my release, then it is really annoying to update the TC's one by one. Thanks. Regards Matthiasmum4bosch6 months agoNew ContributorNew Idea16Views1like0CommentsNeed ability to Edit/Map/Delete tests found via Search
When Tests are found via Search, only the function Export is available at the moment. Once at least one of the found tests is selected, other functions should be available as well: Edit, Map, Delete, Clone (single test or in bulk). External ID:- ZENT-I-362Implemented382Views5likes2CommentsAdd features to collapse and preview test steps in Test Execution
When working with a test step with a lot of text or images, it creates a really long test case. It would helpful to limit the vertical size, and add an option to click to expand (adding wrapping and truncation). It would also be helpful to be able to click the image within the test step to launch the image preview. currently you have to leave the test step and scroll the bottom of the test case, preview the image, close it, then scroll back up to the test step to update the exeuction status.New Idea233Views2likes1CommentAzure ADO plugin or integration with Zephyr Enterprise
To support Zephyr Enterprise Continuous Integration with Azure ADO, Azure DevOps. Azure DevOps (ADO) is a cloud service that we can use to build and test our code project automatically. Azure Pipelines is the solution for Azure PaaS deployments.ibalak7 months agoStaffNew Idea52Views1like0CommentsTest Execution Burndown Report and Dashboard Gadget in ZETM
In Zephyr Squad, there is a Test Execution Burndown Report option and also a Dashboard Gadget that displays the rate of test execution, # of unexecuted tests, and expected completion date. OLD ID:-ZENT-I-441Accepted for Discussion681Views4likes2CommentsRequirement Version History
The tool has a test case version history. It would be great if we could have version history for requirements as well.Bhagvat868 months agoNew ContributorNew Idea8Views1like0CommentsSupport for parametrization
Need the ability to reuse test case templates through parametrization in order to allow scaling effectively. I.e., having one test case, and then feeding in parameter values to create variations of the test case at run time so that the same test case can be executed repeatedly with different data values. External ID :- ZENT-I-6Accepted for Discussion340Views4likes1CommentFolder copy from test repository is not retaining the testcase order - CTSD-3106
Hi Team, Folder copy from test repository is not retaining the testcase order, Instead reordering based on testcase id. for example in a folder ACB we have 3 testcases with names one(Order 1), Two(Order2) and Three(Order 3). Then I copied the “abc” folder to "def” folder, now the order is changing based on testcase id.VisarIKEA7 months agoFrequent Visitor192Views2likes0Comments- New Idea537Views4likes2Comments
Need to be able to close releases
Currently the only option is to hide releases. It would be helpful to be able to "close" releases and put them in a read-only like state, to be able to access any test cases and previous execution data. This should also carry over to dashboards and reports, the only way to see data is for "in progress" releases.New Idea743Views3likes4CommentsAdd options for international standard date/time
Currently, Zephyr Enterprise uses the US date format (MM/DD/YYYY). This causes confusion in other countries. Please add support for international standards, preferably to be configured on a project basis. OLD ID:- ZENT-I-298New Idea454Views3likes2CommentsLock Test Cycles and Phases to disable executions
As a test lead, I need to be able to lock or disable test cycles and phases so testers can no longer execute test cases or update their statuses. Currently, we only have the ability to Hide/Unhide Test Cycles within releases. However, this does not block any further executions from happening, as you can still find the executions via search.New Idea201Views2likes0CommentsJIRA-Zephyr BDD testcase naming consistent with ZE Vortex automation.
Probelm Statement : There is test case name inconsistency between JIRA BDD plugin and ZE Vortex automation. In case if a scenario has 2 Examples table rows, then JIRA BDD plugin will create 2 test cases with identical test names, e.g. "scenario" and "scenario". While in case if test cases are being created through Vortex for the same type of scenario, they will have different names, e.g. "scenario" and "scenario 2". For Cucumber 7 which we are using right now in our framework, here is the naming conventions: “Scenario - Example #1.1”, “Scenario - Example #1.2”, etc. Previous version of JIRA BDD Plugin, it was creating test cases for all Examples table rows with the SAME name, which was inconstant with how Cucumber default JUnit report was doing, which was giving some indexing to each test case name. Due to this , when we are executing BDD testcase created (containing exdample tables) from JIRA using zephyr, results being attched to same testcase . Current and expected testcase naming snapshots are attched Reference :Case #00535844: Test Case name inconsistencies between JIRA BDD Plugin and Vortex automationambadybala2 years agoRegular Visitor290Views2likes0CommentsDashboard Gadgets need to allow filtering by Cycle rather than just release
Dashboard Gadgets need to allow filtering by Cycle rather than just releasesou003177 months agoOccasional VisitorAccepted for Discussion262Views3likes1CommentJQL and ZQL search ability for test case coverage on requirements
1) JQL ability of issues in Jira that have a Zephyr Enterprise test case mapped to it. This would involve the Jira Integration: Zephyr Enterprise plugin enhancement to not just show the test cases in a panel on the issue view screen, but allow a JQL search on whether there are test cases or not. 2) ZQL or some other reporting, search mechanism in Zephyr Enterprise to search for the requirements that have test case coverage or don't have test case coverage. OLD ID:- ZENT-I-434New Idea263Views3likes1Comment