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What is the Community Champions program?
Community Champions is a quarterly rewards program aimed at rewarding users for consistently posting solutions and resources to assist fellow community members. Users participating in consecutive quarters are eligible for greater rewards and elevated community permissions as described herein.
How to participate
Register for a SmartBear Community account and verify your email.
Join the “Community Champions” group.
Earn points by posting solutions, earning kudos, or posting technical articles.
Get rewarded!
Please note: Only one account per person. (Email addresses and accounts will be vetted.) All users must follow the SmartBear Community Terms of Service. Any kudos, "accepted solutions", or technical articles that violate the rules will warrant an immediate ban from the community and the program. Program and Rules requirements can change at any time.
Earning points, rewards, leveling up, and leveling down
Each quarter (Jan 1-March 31, April 1-June 30, July 1-Sept 30, Oct 1-Dec 31), you can qualify for SmartBear Community Champion status!
If you have earned 50 points during one quarter, congratulations! You are a SmartBear Community Champion! Points will only be counted in the quarter that they are earned and do not carry over from quarter to quarter. The maximum level users can achieve is Level 3. Your status will carry over from year to year if you actively participate in the program each quarter.
Leveling up
For each sequential quarter you participate in the SmartBear Community Champions program, you move to the next level! (For example, after earning 50 points in your first quarter of participation, you will earn Level 1 rewards. If the next quarter you also earn 50 points, you will earn level 2 rewards, and so on.)
Leveling down
If you are inactive and/or do not qualify for the next sequential quarter, your rewards will pause, and you will not earn the next level of rewards.
Users inactive for two consecutive quarters will lose a level for each sequential quarter of non-participation. (For example, if you are at Level 2 but do not qualify for the next two sequential quarters, you will drop to Level 1 and receive no rewards. If you qualify for the next sequential quarter, you will earn Level 2 status again and rewards. Delicious, delicious rewards.)
Please Note: 2023 SmartBear Community Leaders automatically qualify for 2023 SmartBear Community Champion status, and will start the program at Level 2
Earning points
You can earn points by participating in discussions, giving valuable feedback, and sharing your knowledge across the SmartBear Community.
You will earn:
One point for every “kudos” you receive.
10 points for every “accepted solution” you receive. (Note: this excludes posted solutions to your own topics)
25 points for every “Technical Article” you post. (Note: to post a technical article requires Level 3 status and will need to be approved by a SmartBear Community team member.)
Please note: All participation, including kudos, solutions, and technical articles, will be reviewed by a SmartBear Community team member.
Tracking points
You can keep track of your SmartBear Community Champion progress with the gauge in your SmartBear Community profile.
Rewards and benefits
There are three levels of SmartBear Community Champion status. All Community Champion rewards and statuses will be awarded in the first month of the following quarter.
Level 1 – one quarter of participation
$50 SmartBear swag credits e-gift card
Champion Level 1 badge and rank
Early access to community beta programs
Level 2 – two consecutive quarters of participation
$75 SmartBear swag credits e-gift card
Champion Level 2 badge and rank
Early access to community beta programs
Community Spotlight recognition
Elevated community permissions
Level 3 – three or more consecutive quarters of participation
$100 SmartBear swag credits e-gift card
Champion Level 3 badge and rank
Early access to community beta programs
Community Spotlight recognition
Elevated community permissions
Invitation to community feedback sessions
Opportunity to publish community technical articles
Purchasing items from the SmartBear Swag Shop
To purchase items from the SmartBear Swag Shop visit
Your credits will be issued to the email address linked to your SmartBear Community account. To access them, simply log in or create an account at the SmartBear Swag Shop here: Once logged in, the credits will automatically appear in your account profile and can be viewed in the Swag Bucks widget.
Please Note:
Swag credits do not expire.
SmartBear Swag offerings may vary seasonally.
Contact the Community Team
If you have any questions or comments, we love to help! Don't hesitate to reach out to us at
2 years ago206Views