ALMComplete: End of Life effective on September 30, 2015
Dear ALMComplete customers!
SmartBear has based this EOL decision on market, customer, and Partner feedback. SmartBear will continue to focus on Test Management versus Application Lifecycle Management.
As of August 1, 2015, we are not accepting any new quotes for ALMComplete.
Customers can purchase maintenance renewals up to September 30, 2015. Customers on active maintenance will continue to receive product support until September 30, 2016. For customers on active maintenance, there is no interruption to product or service until that maintenance expires or until the official end of life date [September 30, 2016] <whichever comes first>.
After the ALMComplete maintenance expires, or at any time before this date, you can migrate to QAComplete. The two most popular features of ALMComplete will now be a part of QAComplete. These features are Shared Documents and List Management.