Forum Discussion

dpiotrowski's avatar
12 years ago

"The window does not repond" problem

I'm trying to set the text value of a combo box (standard window for choosing path to file in Windows 7) using given string  in my test. I'm using such line:

Call Sys.Process("AdaptiveVisionStudio").Window("*", "Open", 1).Window("ComboBoxEx32", "", 1).Window("ComboBox", "", 1).Window("Edit", "", 1).setText(licenceFilePath)

When it comes to this line in test, it fails and gives the following message:

The window with the 0x002b04fe handle exists but did not
respond during the auto-wait timeout (10000 ms).

Try increasing the
'Auto-wait timeout' project property.


Sys.Process("AdaptiveVisionStudio").Window("#32770", "Open",
1).Window("ComboBoxEx32", "", 1).Window("ComboBox", "", 1).Window("Edit", "",

It says the window does not respond, but the text is actually set properly in combo box, I check it with Object Spy and it does see this window. I tried using WaitWindow method before setting the text but it seems to have nothing to do with this problem because the window always exists it just "does not respond". Can anyone help me with this? It's pretty annoying as it didn''t seem to be a complicated operation to simply set the combo box text.

18 Replies

  • Is there a solution for this issue ?

    Because i am facing same issue now, when I am trying to select an item in TreeView or ListView objects of my application

    Tried increasing Auto-wait timeout in Current project and Default Project Properties, but still getting same error

    P.S: Able to identify the object, record the steps and get the items count in the list.

    Recorded Steps:

    Set pageClientPane =Aliases.tc_client.wndAfx.pageClientPane

    Set sysTreeView32 = pageClientPane.pageStackPane.SysTreeView32

    Call sysTreeView32.ClickItem("|Amendments (4)")



    The window does not respond.

    The window with the 0x000203ac handle exists but did not respond during the auto-wait timeout (10000 ms).

    Try increasing the 'Auto-wait timeout' project property

    • MulgraveTester's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      I am also looking for a solution to this. I have a very large project that has been working for a year now and has suddenly run into this issue on two separate Win10 PCs - each running TestComplete 11.31.2420.7 . I used to have no issue with a auto-wait timeout of 50ms but now have issues even if I increase that to 250ms.


      If someone has solved this please post the solution.

      • Bonibom's avatar

        The same on my side when simply clicking a button. Increased timeout to 30 seconds and the same result.