Forum Discussion

Lyna's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

TestComplete increase the memory taken by my application


I saw something weird happening with the version 8 of TestComplete and Windows 7, when i run my tests with TestComplete, the memory taken by my application keeps increasing. When i do exactly the same test but without TestComplete, the memory is released. The effect is not so strong with the version 7.52 of TestComplete and Windows XP. I don't know if it comes from TestComplete version or Windows version.

It maybe also come from my conversion of my project from TestComplete 7.52 to TestComplete 8.0.

Did you notice this behaviour ? The only way i found to prevent this problem is to close and re-open my application (so the memory goes back to normal and then restart to increase and increase and increase with my TestComplete tests...).

Maybe there is an option to set to prevent that ?

Thanks for reading my thread,


11 Replies

  • Hi,

    we have the same problem. Decision for this in case of our applications (Delphi) is simple:

    1. Create a task in Windows Tasks Scheduler that will launch TC/TE and run needed project suite at logon of any user

    2. Reboot Windows

    I am not sure that it is universal decision, but here it works.