Forum Discussion

mikakoistinen's avatar
6 years ago

testexecute with /silentmode parameter does not start test


I noticed that I can't run our tests with testexecute using /silentmode parameter. (desktop test, if it matters)

this works

  path_to_te\TestExecute.exe c:\testit\winskj\winskj.pjs /p:winskj /run /ns  /e /ForceConversion

this just starts TE and stops it

  path_to_te\TestExecute.exe c:\testit\winskj\winskj.pjs /p:winskj /run /ns  /e /silentmode /ForceConversion

It has been working earlier in 12.5, but hasn't been working after upgrade to 12.6.  

Any idea what's causing problem?


3 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    We just rolled out TE 12.6 and our run last night did fine with /SilentMode set.  The problem MIGHT be with the ForceConversion switch.  That switch only triggers when you use the SilentMode switch.  So, something is being converted in your project or there is some sort of error in the conversion.  Have you checked the silent log as indicated in

    • mikakoistinen's avatar

      Actually there shouldn't be anything to convert. I use 12.6 TC also. /forceconversion is just in case if there is something to convert in future. 


      I run TE as normal user, from command line. 

      silent.log is not modifed after upgrade and neither new is created when i rename it as .old

      Access rights should be okey, I checked them. 

      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        Just out of curiousity, what happens if you run it with /SilentMode but without /ForceConversion?