Forum Discussion

Petewilson's avatar
6 years ago

Test Complete - Is it possible to perform rapid multi taps on iOS device

I am testing a mobile application which has a hidden feature, by request of the client, that is accessed by a 2 fingered tab, three times.


Unfortunately as this can't be simulated by TC i currently have the script wait for a user input.

I have also asked the devs to put in another access method, of a single finger tap, 6 times rapidly.


Unfortunately when i record this it works, but on playback the script has huge delay in it and i can't seem to find any setting to reduce this. Is it possible to produce a playback of a rapid tap?


Am i using the wrong touch control or is there a setting or method to reduce the daelay between actions (Delay between Events, ms: was 50 but tried 0)


Any advice would be appreciated



procedure Test1;
  var window : OleVariant;
  var navigationBar : OleVariant;
  var vlabel : OleVariant;
  Mobile.SetCurrent('Rps iPad Pro (2018)');
  window := Aliases.Device.processApplication.window0;
  navigationBar := window.navigationbar0;
  vlabel := navigationBar.labelWelcome;
  vlabel.Touch(28, 12);
  vlabel.Touch(28, 12);
  vlabel.Touch(28, 12);
  vlabel.Touch(28, 12);
  vlabel.Touch(28, 12);
  vlabel.Touch(28, 12);

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