Forum Discussion

twhitehouse's avatar
9 years ago

Objects not found after new pages slide out on web site that uses Slick Carousel

I am writing an automation test against a site that uses Slick Carousel ( ).  There are 3 or 4 pages in this carousel.  When the action button is pressed, the pages...
  • twhitehouse's avatar
    9 years ago

    Doing a refresh of the mapping info, on page 2 of the carousel, seemed to fix this.  I also added a delay to make sure the refresh was done:


         Call NameMapping.Sys.browser.RefreshMappingInfo()
        'Wait for refresh to occur
         aqUtils.Delay 2000


    Now, Test Complete can see the items on page 2 of the carousel.  I expect the same to work for pages 3 and 4 as well.