Forum Discussion

rramasamy's avatar
12 years ago

convert the files to base64binary

Hello SoapUI users,

Do we have an option to convert the file attachment to base64binary stream in the SOAPUI Pro (licensed version)?

After I import a wsdl and use the Form tab to key in the details, for fields that are of type XSD:base64Binary, in the form it lets the user browse a file from the filesystem using Browse button, but just the file name is getting tagged to the field when switched to XML tab and the file's base64 encoded bytestream is not getting populated. What is the expected behaviour?

thanks for your inputs.

1 Reply

  • jdbraden's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I also have this question. Any answers?


    base64Binary works in SOAPUI 5.1.2, but for Ready! API 1.4.1, it does not work. Always get a "not encoded properly" error. When I manually inject the base64Binary into the tag, I get a "null/empty response".