Knowledge Base Article

Groovy script to count JSON elements found by a JSONPath query


The following script counts the number of elements found by a JSONPath query:

// Groovy
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath.parse

// Define a method to count the number of elements found as a result of a jsonPath query
def countElement( String json, String jsonPath ) {
	return parse( json ).read( jsonPath ).size()

// Create an example jsonObject
def jsonObject = '''{
					"name" : "John",
					"age" : 30,
					"cars" : [
						"car" : "BMW",
						"color" : "red"
						"car" : "Ford",
						"color" : "black"
						"car" : "Fiat",
						"color" : "green"

// Call the previously created method with the jsonObject as a paramenter countElement( jsonObject, '$.cars.*' )
Updated 3 years ago
Version 4.0

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