Forum Discussion

Alex2287's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

Unable to find 'Confirm' Objects (Web testing)

Is anyone else experiencing an issue with TC not recognizing the 'Confirm' pop-up messages in web tests? It worked fine before the last several updates, and I just noticed after revisiting some tests that interacted with these pop-ups. It doesn't seem to be able to recognize the pop-up itself and falls back to identifying the content underneath it after it freezes up for a long moment. Is this something that I should email to support directly? Thank you.

20 Replies

  • Rache1's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Apologies mfoster711 I have let our team know about this and will let you know as soon as I hear something. Thanks for the information! 

  • mfremont-smith's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I'm not able to close the chrome confirmation dialog with the Confirm object, but I discovered a workaround:

    for (let windowCaption of ['Leave site?', 'Reload site?']) {
      let confWindow = browser.WaitWindow('Chrome_WidgetWin_1', windowCaption, -1, 0);
      if (confWindow.Exists) {
  • Alex2287's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Does anyone know if there has been any movement on this? I just upgraded to the latest and am shocked that there is no fix for this issue,  I find it hard to believe that we've gone months without some resolution. This bug is easily adding close to 10 minutes to each test run. 

    I'm new to SmartBear TestComplete (less than a year). Is this typical? What's the typical turnaround to getting a fix to something basic as this? I'm very, VERY disappointed. I've had to demo our project to top executives, and having to explain this lapse has been an embarrassment. 

    I'm currently exploring other solutions similar to TC as backups. Any recommendations? 

  • Rache1's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hello mfoster711 and all, regarding the Alert box, our team is aware of the issue and is working on it. Currently, the text can be checked using OCR (this is part of the Intelligent Quality add-on). Here is more information on how to use it: Regarding the Prompt and Confirm issue, this is a part of the next release which is planned for the end of this month. Apologies again and thank you for your patience. 

    • Michael_B's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Very pleased to see an updated note on this topic. I'm keeping an eye out for the update. 

  • MarcusBengtsson's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Also keeping my eyes open for this to be fixed. Is the clicking on "OK" button possible for anyone else yet?