Forum Discussion

ivan_sy's avatar
11 years ago

Opening the project suite. Please wait.... (Becoming too long)

Hi All,

We have a TestComplete project suite with three (3) similar projects (Devel, Stable and Prototype) and our source control is TFS.

Once I open the project suite, the splash "Opening the project suite. Please wait..." is becoming too long now. It takes upto five (5) minutes to load.

There are no errors after it completely loads and each of our project only have an average of 300 KeywordTests with about 20-30 lines per piece, a handful of VBscripts, hundreds of project-level variables and a few dozen small sized Store\Files

We don't do Visualizer.

Even if I open the project file itself, it takes just about the same time to finish the loading

What could have contributed to this slowness?

6 Replies

  • Tanya, thank you for your response. Please send my big Thanks to Evgeny as well for the job well done. She responded to me in a direct support e-mail.

    These are the steps that worked for me (provided by SmartBear support)

     1. Create a backup copy of your current project.

    2. Open your project suite in TestComplete 9.31.

    3. Double-click the NameMapping item in the Project Explorer panel.

    4. Set the "Store Code Completion Information" option  to "Do not store data for Code Completion" in the Name Mapping editor. Then, click Yes.

    5. Set the "Store Code Completion Information" option  to "Store brief data" in the Name Mapping editor.

    6. Save the changes. Close TestComplete. Then, open it again and see whether it improves the situation.


    My result is from 7-8 minutes of load time, to less than a minute

    TestComplete's memory consumption came down from 1+GB to 300MB

    Also, my Namemapping file came down from 175MB to 2MB

    And so far no more freeze on playback.

    I've realized that this whole thing started when I mapped a part of the product under test which had a grid with 6000+rows and 20+ columns.

    I've asked from some information on Namemapping and why it did that and I was given

    Just a small suggestion: to include the information regarding namemapping "store brief" stuff to the article "Automated Test Performance Tips"

    To SmartBear support. Thanks!
  • jose_pita's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Hi Ivan,

    Do you use TFS integrated in testcomplete on only outside on the file system?
  • We use TFS integrated in TestComplete and our workspaces have local copy of the entire TFS project folder to our local drive.

    When we use other tools on the same machine (such as Visual Studio) and get latest version - it is quick and new stuff are sync in a few seconds.

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Ivan,


    Please make sure that you are using the latest TestComplete version - 9.31. In the previous product versions, there were some performance issues when working with the TestComplete projects located in SCC.


  • Hi Tanya,

    Updating to TestComplete 3.1 did not help. Opening our Project Suite still takes the same amount of time.

    Also,  there are times where we (for example, Undo changes on NameMapping), the memory consumption of TestComplete.exe will go as high as 2GB.

    This is not the case for version 9.2 and we only have added ~100 keywordtests since then.

    Anything else we need to check?